GoPublish, magazine production software

GoPublish, game-changing magazine production software

Content and contract publishers are taking advantage of GoPublish to simplify their workflow processes. Here are five reasons why...

Publishing and producing magazines requires a strong and robust production workflow. Especially when issues are required on a monthly or bi-weekly basis, which is all too common for content and contract publishers.

An efficient workflow ensures that tight deadlines are met, while always providing a high-quality end result, and choosing the right production software is integral to getting the most out of your production teams.

From integration with Adobe Creative Cloud and providing a clear production overview, to tracking magazine production and department costs and streamlined review and approval; GoPublish has it all.

Designed for Adobe Creative Cloud

Seamless integration with Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe InDesign and Adobe InCopy, are the go-to solution for designers, creatives, and copy editors when producing print content. And so integrating these applications with your magazine production solution is a must.

Sitting within the side panels of Adobe InDesign and Adobe InCopy, GoPublish is only a click away for your creative teams.

Users are able to work independently, downloading content from the planning app, and re-uploading updated documents or new content, all without affecting production.

GoPublish in Adobe InDesign and InCopy provides users access to every publication, issue, or document. The potential for duplication is all but removed because any document downloaded, is locked out to the individual creative until they release it back to the planning app.

Complete production transparency

One of the biggest challenges facing large publishing teams, especially since the introduction of remote working, is ensuring that everyone, regardless of their location, is working efficiently and are on the same page.

With GoPublish, you have complete production transparency. Keep your teams, stakeholders, and clients all connected, collaborating, and informed about every project's progress. You can monitor production and department costs, which will help you decide how to allocate resources and plan future projects. Spot any overspending or areas where you can make adjustments to improve efficiency. This ultimately leads to a more streamlined and cost-effective magazine production.

GoPublish allows you to see who is doing what, when, and more importantly, why, at every stage of your workflow.

A streamlined production with GoPublish

A centralised flatplan

Having a centralised digital flat plan that is accessible to all teams, makes it so much easier to oversee production. Through the GoPublish flat plan, you can view what stage an article or feature is at, review adverts space, and add additional content or last-minute changes. Any items can be repositioned by simply dragging and dropping them. GoPublish then handles the folio of each page on the fly, so you don't have to.

Move a double-page spread from pages 12-13 to 48-49. When the pages have been moved they automatically take on the new page numbers. And so does every other page within the document.

With a digital flat plan overseen by everyone, that is updated instantly, magazine production managers are able to identify any bottlenecks or issues that may be holding up production at a glance.

Say hello to perfectly streamlined print production, arrange a free trial of GoPublish.

Effortlessly review and approve content

Getting everyone on the same page when it comes to reviewing and approving content used to be a headache. The days of printing content, emailing files, and collating feedback from multiple sources, sometimes with contradicting feedback, used to slow production almost to a halt. That was in the days before GoPublish.

The proofing process no longer holds up production or causes delays. Multiple teams can proofread content without locking out the document, allowing for a more collaborative and streamlined process. Clients and stakeholders can also provide feedback and approval without having to go through multiple rounds of amends. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors.

With complete comments and feedback history, every change can be checked so there are never duplicate or contradicting instructions for your designers.

In addition, a clear version history of the document ensures that any previous content can be retrieved should the need arise.

A wealth of experience

Over the past 15+ years, GoPublish has been implemented into the workflows of a range of content, contract and magazine publishers. We've worked with The Spectator, John Brown UK, US & South Africa, Haymarket, and Dentsu to name just a few. This is in no small part due to our core team having worked within the publishing sector for decades. This experience, along with the knowledge gained from the close working relationship we have with all our clients, has driven the success of GoPublish, ensuring that it evolves with the sector's ever-changing needs.

GoPublish clients

GoPublish provides a range of game-changing benefits for magazine publishers of any size or location. If your team uses Adobe to create print material, and you're looking for a smarter way to streamline production, then GoPublish is the answer.

You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain by arranging a free GoPublish trial today.

Say hello to perfectly streamlined print production, arrange a free trial of GoPublish.

GoPublish, magazine production software, print production workflow, production software, content publishers, contract publishers, magazine publishers, Adobe InDesign, Adobe InCopy

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