What is contract publishing?

What is contract publishing?

The subtle difference between contract and content publishing and the benefits of contract publishing when delivering creative content.

Businesses and individuals are constantly in search of effective ways to connect with their target audience. One such strategy, that has gained tremendous popularity and proven to be highly impactful, is contract publishing.

The term 'content publishing' is sometimes used when discussing contract publishing. They are related strategies but have distinct differences. Here's a breakdown of their meanings:

What is contract publishing?

A contract publisher is an entity or agency that specialises in producing and distributing original content on behalf of a client. They usually in close collaboration to create custom content that aligns with the client's goals, objectives, and brand identity.

Contract publishers often offer a range of services, including strategy, development, editorial services, design, production, and distribution.

Contract publishing typically creates magazines, newsletters, books, or digital content.

What is content publishing?

A content publisher has a broader scope of work. They will publish content, whether original or curated, on a variety of platforms.

Content publishers can include traditional publishers, online platforms, blogs, social media channels, and more. Their primary responsibility is distributing on behalf of their clients. This will encompass a wide range of content types, such as articles, blog posts, videos, podcasts, social media updates, and more.

Unlike contract publishers, content publishers often generate for a broader audience. They may also cover diverse topics or cater to specific niches.

In summary, contract publishers specialise in producing customised content for specific clients, while content publishers create content across different platforms for a wider audience.

The benefits of contract publishing

The benefits of contract publishing

Tailored content

One of the most significant advantages of contract publishing lies in its ability to deliver personalised content creation. Clients can ensure that every piece of content produced is meticulously tailored to resonate with their target audience. This precision enables the reinforcement of their brand identity and messaging, resulting in a powerful and cohesive content strategy.

Expertise and resources

Working alongside a contract publisher provides access to a large team of professionals with an array of skills. These include writers, editors, creative designers, and strategic marketers.

These teams can combine their expertise and pooled resources to elevate the quality and impact of the magazine or publication produced. As a result, clients can expect a final product that exudes professionalism, captures attention, and effectively conveys their intended message.

Time and cost efficiency

Outsourcing enables clients to focus their energy and resources on their core competencies while entrusting the publishing responsibilities to capable hands. They can eliminate the need for extensive investments in an in-house publishing team, saving valuable time and cost.

Clients are then free to concentrate on growing their business, refining their products, or pursuing other critical aspects of their operations.

Distribution channels

An integral aspect of contract publishing lies in the extensive distribution channels that contract publishers often possess. These publishers boast established networks both online and offline, amplifying the reach and visibility of the published content.

Through these channels, clients can connect with a broader audience, attracting potential customers, or nurturing a community of engaged readers. Such increased exposure brings about unparalleled opportunities to foster brand recognition and loyalty.

Examples of contract publishers

Sunday: Sunday is a multi-award-winning marketing agency based in London. They inspire, entertain and grow audiences with brand stories that deliver measurable impact.

Read the GoPublish customer case study

John Brown Media: One of the world's largest content marketing agencies. It originally formed as a magazine company, and now creates multichannel content for a variety of brands and clients.

GlobalData: GlobalData is an award-winning b2b marketing agency with a range of clients across multiple sectors.

Read the GoPublish customer Case Study

Redactive: Redactive is a content and publishing agency who forge valuable connections with targeted membership audiences through advertising and content marketing solutions.

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GoPublish for contract publishers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is contract publishing only suitable for large businesses?

No, contract publishing is suitable for businesses of all sizes. Whatever the business size, contract publishing can be tailored to meet specific needs and budgets.

Can contract publishing help with brand building?

Absolutely! Contract publishing is an excellent tool for brand building with its ability to deliver personalised content to audiences.

What types of content can be created?

Contract publishing encompasses a variety of formats such as print magazines, brochures, e-books, white papers, blogs, and social media. The specific format depends on the goals, target audience, and preferred medium of communication.


Contract publishing has emerged as a powerful and versatile strategy for businesses and individuals looking to create bespoke, impactful content.

By collaborating with contract publishers, clients gain access to a wealth of benefits. These include personalised content creation, professional expertise, optimising time and cost efficiency, and access to extensive distribution channels.

Whether the goal is to enhance a brand, educate an audience, or engage with customers, contract publishing offers an effective solution.

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What is contract publishing, contract publishing, contract publisher, print magazine, GoPublish, content publisher

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